At any given time, there is someone doing something distinctly different. Something no one else can do, or even try. Something which, in what is both a hypersensitive and cynically-ironic art scene, appears independent enough to slip in and out of the conversation unaffected.
by Tommy Olsson, art critic Morgenbladet
It is difficult to criticise the sculptures of Fredrik K.B. without casting doubt on all human experience – which is an amusing thought until you realise this also applies to your very own experience…

It all started with a dream I had one night as a little boy. In this dream I walked into the mountain area called Jotunheimen to escape from all the people…
A portrait of Fredrik K.B. made by Felixfilm. In this video Fredrik tells about the origine of his quest of sculpting stone and what still drives him.
Fredrik’s sculptures are not abstractions, they are not even abstract, but highly concrete. They are images hewn from the rock. They are incarnated from mother earth, from matter herself…
– Geir Uthaug, Norwegian author

Photos from the atelier
To see photos from the atelier of emerging sculptures, projects and more, click the link below…
Photos from the galleries
To see photos from exhibitions and exhibited sculptures, click the link below…
Fredrik K.B. on Instagram
Orpheus & Eurydice ❤️ #larvikite #skulptur #sculpture #stonesculpture #steinskulptur #art #kunst ...
Best wishes to all my friends 🍀 ...
Love. #sculpture #skulptur #larvikite ...
Exhibition in @gallerisemmingsen Oslo, I gave it all I had and am so grateful for all the love i received. As I say in the video «this is my way of communicating». Last day is this coming sunday. ...
Spectralite… ...
Next sculpture to leave my atelier will be intensely missed. She is cut from a finnish rock called «spectralitt» and her crystals are as beautiful as they are poetic: they do not cast light in all directions like some crystals do; to see her crystals you have to wait for the light to fall in the right way. You have to really look for them. ...
For those understanding Norwegian: En svært hyggelig og forhåpentligvis interessant samtale med Inger Synnøve B. Barth har fått plass i hennes podcast «Det hellige i naturen». Du kan høre episoden som hun har kalt «med hendene tett på» (Episode 8) på spotify. ...
Friends. I truly love you @trine_kim ...
I keep my working boots on just to bring the dust of my atelier into the gallery. Ballance. It is all about ballance. ...
Exhibition in Oslo is opened! #osloartweekend #stone #kunst ...
Welcome! ...
This stone I brought down from the Norwegian mountains, from #tisleidalen, where my family descended from. I have found everyone I know or knew in it, the rest I have only felt. ...
Exhibition opening in Galleri Semmingsen, Oslo, on 14 september… almost ready… ...
What does a sculptor and a flower artist do when they are not creating with plants or stones? I dont remember, but it looks like we were having fun as we allways have when we meet @paulwijkmeijer #vijfhoek ...
Beauty and the beast. ...
Fredrik K.B.
Fredrik is a member of Norwegian Sculptors Society and Royal British Society of Sculptors.
Galleri Semmingsen (Oslo) has agency rights and can be contacted for national/international inquiries.
For other inquiries, please
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